Value Investing Blog
This contrarian value investing blog is where I share everything I know to help you become a better investor and achieve market-beating returns, consistently.
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- By Nick Kraakman
You want to invest in stocks, but don't know where to start?
First of all, let me tell you you're smart for deciding to invest in stocks, because of all asset classes, stocks have historically yielded the highest returns!
And you're in luck, because in this guide I laid out the exact steps to take to kickstart your investing journey... the RIGHT way!
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- By Nick Kraakman
"How to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock?" is without a doubt the question that people ask me the most often. In this short article I will show you an easy intrinsic value formula that allows you to estimate the underlying value of a stock in the simplest way possible.
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- By Ansgar John
This is a guest post by my friend John, who is also the organizer of an investment club I'm part of. He is very knowledgeable and I love his writing style, so I'm sure you'll enjoy this article!
Hi, my name is John and I became interested in value investing after reading “The Superinvestors of Graham and Doddsville” in 2012. Nick asked to write a piece about “penny stocks” since he received several questions from readers on this topic.
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- By Andrew Sather
Warren Buffett always hammers home the importance of never losing any money. In this insightful guest post, my friend Andrew Sather, who you might know from the popular Money Tree Investing Podcast or his financial blog eInvestingForBeginners, shares how to identify and avoid so called "value traps". Enjoy!
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- By Nick Kraakman
Several of my readers, among which Bala and Brian, have asked me to elaborate on the topic of bonds. There seems to be some confusion as to what percentage of your portfolio should be in stocks and what percentage in bonds. Or can you leave out bonds altogether? That's what we'll explore in this article!
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