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Term Definition
Intrinsic value

An estimate of the "true" value of a company, assuming that the market price does not always reflects this value correctly. This is the cornerstone of the value investing strategy.

Author - Nick Kraakman
Hits - 1350
Income statement

A financial statement which reflects the financial performance of a company over a certain period, oftentimes referred to as the "profit and loss statement". It includes such things as revenue, expenses, and the net income earned over that period.

Author - Nick Kraakman
Hits - 941

If the underlying stock price is above the strike price (for calls) or under the strike price (for puts). This means that exercising the option will earn you money.

Author - Nick Kraakman
Hits - 456
implied volatility

The market's expectation of the future volatility of the underlying stock.

Author - Nick Kraakman
Hits - 636
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